Lil' Kim released her mixtape 'Black Friday' Monday to the public. The title, a pun on Nicki Minaj's debut album 'Pink Friday', is one of the many ways Lil' Kim is voicing her hate towards the hip-hop star. An album cut from Minaj's 'Pink Friday' titled 'Roman's Revenge' was quickly precieved to be a Kim diss. Though Minaj admitted 'Roman's Revenge' to be to all the "HAS-BEEN" female rappers, she never dropped Kim's name. Kim responded in a nasty way by recording 'Black Friday' (which appears on the mixtape), in which she raps...
"Who the fuck want war
fed-ex beef straight 2 ur front door.
It'll be a murder scene,
I'm turning Pink Friday to Friday the 13th.
Aight you Lil’ Kim clone clown,
All this buffoonery shit stops now.
Time for you to lay down, I'm sick of the fraud,
I put hands on this bitch like a spa massage.
We all know your last name's what got you your job,
You's a put together gimmick, somethin’ like a collage.
Since you're putting on a show you gon’ get the applause -
Clap clap with your frame like a fucking garage (Yeaaaah)
This hood shit, you and Drake ain't built for --
This the shit the other bitch almost got killed for."
fed-ex beef straight 2 ur front door.
It'll be a murder scene,
I'm turning Pink Friday to Friday the 13th.
Aight you Lil’ Kim clone clown,
All this buffoonery shit stops now.
Time for you to lay down, I'm sick of the fraud,
I put hands on this bitch like a spa massage.
We all know your last name's what got you your job,
You's a put together gimmick, somethin’ like a collage.
Since you're putting on a show you gon’ get the applause -
Clap clap with your frame like a fucking garage (Yeaaaah)
This hood shit, you and Drake ain't built for --
This the shit the other bitch almost got killed for."
... Minaj has since kept pretty mute on the situation but with a new song from Kim titled 'Pissin' on 'Em', another diss and rip off Minaj's 'Did it on 'Em', and that super nasty mixtape cover with kim decapitating Minaj. In VERY poor taste.
Minaj should rip this ONCE TALENTED has-BEEN a new one :)
What do you guys think?