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Friday, January 21, 2011


Ever since I can remember I have been a fan of movies. I knew all of the lines from 'The Wizard of OZ' and did a scene-by-scene recap of 'Jurassic Park'. I loved all Genres and gave myself no limits. Even as a young child i had a fascination with horror movies such as the "Classics"; 'Halloween', 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', 'Child's Play', 'Psycho', 'Friday the 13th', etc.. I wasn't really allowed to see them all but somehow I found a way. I remember Back in 1996, Wes Craven brought a new film, 'Scream' to the big screen. I wanted to see it really bad. Granted I was only Eight, but I thought it looked amazing. Several months later the VHS (yes, VHS) made it to my VCR and I watched the soon to be classic. I LOVED IT. Everything about it excited me. It may have been the movie that made me wanna make movies.

Now to the point ...

Fifteen years later, here I sit, anticipating 'SCRE4M' the same way I anticipated the original. Everyone's back for the fourth installment; Director Wes Craven, Screen Writer Kevin Williamson, Actors Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette. Filming took place in Michigan in Mid to Late Summer. Back in October the teaser trailer made it's way online. Just this month the official full trailer was released and my anticipation grew. Come April 15th... I will be seeing this movie remembering just how i felt the first time i experienced the original.

Check out the teaser trailer here ...

Check out the official full trailer here ...

How about you. Are YOU excited?

1 comment:

  1. I am! I love the Scream franchise. Hell, I even liked Scream 3. :-)
